For a little while now I've been living, along with my girlfriend Marie, in the house in which I grew up. We've been cleaning it up, sorting through its contents, and trying to make it into an enjoyable habitat at the same time. In the almost 200 years of its existence, the house has accumulated quite a number of items, despite a much larger number that have been discarded. While rummaging through the current contents, we've found a number of curious objects, everything from Tempscribes to speakeasy doors serving as walls. These things appear – depending on who looks at them – as historical, as sentimental, or as junk.
“According to the Kabbalah, God's attributes were once held in vessels whose glass was contaminated by the presence of evil and these vessels had consequently shattered, disseminating their contents to the four corners of the earth. Tikkun was the process of collecting the scattered fragments in the hopes of once more piecing them together.”Having only ever heard the term in reference to the radical French journal Tiqqun, this idea of “collecting the scattered fragments in the hopes of once more piecing them together” resonated with me, especially in the work we've been doing in the house.
“This vulgar-Marxist concept of what labor is, does not bother to ask the question of how its products affect workers, so long as these are no longer at their disposal. It wishes to perceive only the progression of the exploitation of nature, not the regression of society. It already bears the technocratic traces which would later be found in Fascism. Among these is a concept of nature which diverges in a worrisome manner from those in the socialist utopias of the Vormaerz period [pre-1848]. Labor, as it is henceforth conceived, is tantamount to the exploitation of nature, which is contrasted to the exploitation of the proletariat with naïve self-satisfaction.”(He closes out the paragraph with an appreciated tribute to Fourier, who believed a fair division in labor would lead to three more moons in the sky and the oceans turning into lemonade. Benjamin sees Fourier's vision as “a labor which, far from exploiting nature, is instead capable of delivering creations whose possibility slumbers in her womb.”)