Thursday, March 17, 2011

Up to the Day news

Ah, to finish up the day with King Cobra, Slim Jims, and the Marquis de Sade (Justine)... that is the life.

In the midst of this realization the other night, I thought to post my feelings on Facebook and Twitter. But that in and of itself was a sort of WTF moment; why bother? (Especially on Twitter, where I have like eight followers, half of whom are personal friends (and on Facebook), the other half I've never met.)

I have nothing remotely profound or provocative to say here today. I'm taking a drawing class, am really enjoying it, and have been trying to draw every day - portraits, tsunamis, little Buddhas, cow skulls.... I'm also taking a class on dreamachines - a non-transmutable source of hallucinogenic stimulation - and have much reading to do. (Both of these courses, by the way, are through Corvid College, which I am absolutely loving.) So the time I have to devote to writing ends up falling into three categories: that which I get paid for (necessary), that which I could conceivably get paid for (like contests or essays I hope to get published), and that spent on film "scripts".* The blog suffers... at least quantitatively. Then again, if I had something really profound to say, I would probably get it up here anyway.

And that is that.

* It's weird to actually look at the word "scripts" in conjunction with what I'm working on now, hence the quotes. I don't know what to call them, but they aren't really scripts. They will eventually become films, hopefully.

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